Inflammatory Arthritis of the Hip

In inflammatory arthritis of the hip, pain and stiffness occur in the hip joint. Unlike osteoarthritis, which is a non-inflammatory arthritis associated with aging and wear, inflammatory arthritis is the result of an overactive immune system and can affect people of all ages.


In inflammatory arthritis of the hip, the body’s immune system is unable to self-regulate, which leads to the immune system targeting itself and causing inflammation. Researchers have not determined the exact cause of inflammatory arthritis, but it is believed that genetics may be responsible for developing the disease.


Inflammatory arthritis of the hip often impacts the whole body. In addition to pain and stiffness, fever, fatigue, and loss of appetite are all common symptoms. Pain is typically dull, aching, and worse in mornings or after inactivity. Limited range of motion and limping when walking is also likely.


Physicians will assess symptoms and medical history to properly diagnose inflammatory arthritis of the hip. A physical exam will also allow the physician to evaluate pain and movement limitations. X-rays may be used to identify inflammatory arthritis and erosion of the bones. Blood tests can also be used to indicate inflammatory arthritis.


Inflammatory arthritis is not curable, but anti-inflammatory and corticosteroid medications are often effective in managing symptoms. Physical therapy and walking aids such as canes are also used to increase range of motion and make it easier to perform daily activities. Surgery may be required in severe cases where conservative treatments are not effective.

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