Manipulation Under Anesthesia

An Effective, Pain-Free Chiropractic Treatment For Chronic Back and Neck Pain

Manipulation under anesthesia is a conservative treatment alternative for chronic pain patients offered by Dr. Denning, Dr. Rampersaud, and Dr. Sripada at Insight Comprehensive Therapy. Originating from the osteopathic profession, this procedure has been utilized for the treatment of spinal pain since the late 1930s. 

Spinal manipulation under anesthesia is intended for patients that suffer from sometimes acute, but mostly chronic, musculoskeletal disorders. The procedure is extremely beneficial for patients who have muscle spasms accompanied with pain and joint range of motion loss – as well as individuals who have not responded to conservative care. 

Patients who experience disc bulge or herniation, chronic sprain or strain, failed back surgery, and other musculoskeletal issues typically respond well to chiropractic manipulation, physical therapy, and exercise. However, this relief may only be temporary (e.g. months, weeks). Manipulation under anesthesia uses many of the same techniques utilized in a typical chiropractic office, but with the advantage of having the patient fully relaxed. Spinal manipulation under anesthesia typically takes approximately 20 minutes. 

Manipulation Under Anesthesia Benefits

  • Noticeable pain relief
  • Decline in chronic muscle spasms 
  • Relief from pain and radiating symptoms 
  • Reduction of excessive scar tissue

If you feel you are an ideal candidate for this procedure, contact our conservative care specialists at Insight to learn more about manipulation under anesthesia and to schedule an appointment.

How Can We Help You?

At Insight, we strive to be available for our patients and make healthcare as simple and seamless as we can. If you have questions, need additional information, or would like to schedule an appointment, please do not hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help!