Insight is committed to providing exceptional patient care as we continue our response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our dedicated team of health professionals work diligently to provide a healthy and safe environment in our hospitals, clinics, and offices. The wellbeing of our patients, staff, and communities is our top priority, and we are dedicated to meeting all current safety measures.
Our leadership continues to work closely with experts, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), to implement regulations in each of our buildings and maintain the highest standard of care during this rapidly changing situation.
  • Diligent hand hygiene continues to be the most effective way to stop the spread of coronavirus and other germs. All Insight facilities are equipped with multiple hand sanitizer stations and staff and patients are encouraged to use them regularly. We also recommend washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds to clean your hands, whenever possible.
  • Our staff is instructed to follow exceptional hand hygiene practices, but we also encourage our patients to remind staff to sanitize their hands before they receive care as an additional level of protection.
  • In order to maintain social distancing, family and visitors are asked to wait in their vehicles or in the surrounding area while their loved one is visiting one of our locations. If a patient requires an overnight stay, we encourage them to bring a smart device capable of making video calls. This is a safe and efficient way to connect to your support system and include them in your care.
  • Even with the CDC’s recent announcement regarding lessening mask-wearing, Insight still requires all staff and visitors to be wearing a mask while in our facility.
  • INSIGHT SURGICAL HOSPITAL (WAREN) – COVID testing is available from 8am-3pm Monday through Friday. We ask that you follow the steps listed below if you are in need of a PCR (molecular) test.
    • Upon arrival to the building, please wait in your vehicle and dial 586-880-2450. We ask that you not enter the building if you are having any symptoms of COVID-19 or if you have had direct contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19.
    • A staff member from the lab will direct you to remain in your vehicle and they will perform the test there.
    • Tests are processed by Orchard Labs. Results are usually received within 24 hours but may take as long as 48 hours.
    • You will be asked to provide ID and insurance information as well as a contact phone number to reach you once results are available.
  • INSIGHT (FLINT) COVID testing is available from 8am-5pm Monday through Friday. We ask that you follow the steps listed below if you are in need of a PCR (molecular) test.
    • Upon arrival to the building, please wait in your vehicle and dial 810-484-3007. We ask that you not enter the building if you are having any symptoms of COVID-19 or if you have had direct contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19.
    • A staff member from the lab will direct you to remain in your vehicle and they will perform the test there.
    • Tests are processed by Orchard Labs. Results are usually received within 24 hours but may take as long as 48 hours.
    • You will be asked to provide ID and insurance information as well as a contact phone number to reach you once results are available.


Visitors will be deemed “necessary” and may be allowed if they meet one of the following criteria and have passed COVID-19 screening upon entrance:

  • A visitor who is a guardian/power of attorney for a patient
  • A visitor who is acting as a support person (i.e. providing assistance with walking, hearing, sight, etc.)
  • A visitor identified as a driver for a pain management sedation appointment.


Visitors will be deemed “necessary” and may be allowed if they meet one of the following criteria and have passed COVID-19 screening upon entrance:

  • A visitor who is a guardian/power of attorney for a patient
  • A visitor who is acting as a support person (i.e. providing assistance with walking, hearing, sight, etc.)

Our screening process includes a temperature check along with a symptom assessment. Anyone who is experiencing active COVID symptoms or waiting on COVID-19 test results will not be permitted to enter.  A full list of the 11 COVID-19 symptoms can be found on the CDC website:
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Visitors will be deemed “necessary” and may be allowed if they meet one of the following criteria and have passed COVID-19 screening upon entrance:

  • A visitor who is a guardian/power of attorney for a patient
  • A visitor who is acting as a support person (i.e. providing assistance with walking, hearing, sight, etc.)

All drivers must wait in their vehicle after the patient is taken to the pre-op area. You may re-enter the building to use the facilities but must return to the vehicle. You will receive a call when the patient is ready to be discharged.